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Meet The Team

Our Team.

This is your Team section. It's a great place to introduce your team and talk about what makes it special, such as your culture and work philosophy. Don't be afraid to illustrate personality and character to help users connect with your team.

Maine Luxe Stays is the result of the combined efforts of partners Jesse and Abby, blending their expertise in business management and design to offer premium short-term rental (STR) co-hosting and property management services. Jesse, who previously worked as a nurse in the CTICU and later became a Nurse Anesthetist, brings his attention to detail and problem-solving skills into the business. His background in healthcare, especially in high-pressure environments, ensures smooth operations and efficiency in managing clients’ properties. Abby, in working as a Registered Nurse has a passion for helping make everyone feeled valued and create positive atmospheres, along with her drive and dedication, with her talent for design, creates beautiful, welcoming spaces that guests love.


The story of Maine Luxe Stays began when Jesse and Abby met at the hospital where they were both working at the time. They quickly found a deep connection, not just in life but in their shared passion for helping others. Their combined experience, drive, and love for creating exceptional guest experiences led them to form Maine Luxe Stays. Together, they help property owners maximize profits while minimizing involvement with guests.

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